Someone asked,
"If I got a camera with only 6 or 7 MP, can I make good pictures with it?"
Buying a great camera doesn't mean you can create compelling photographs.
Cameras don't take pictures, photographers do. cameras are just another artist's tool. Why is it that even though everyone knows that photoshop can be used to take any bad image and turn it into a masterpiece, that even after hours of massaging these images look worse than when one started?
A camera catches your imagination. No imagination, no photo - just crap.
The quality of a lens or camera has almost nothing do with the quality of images it can be used to produce. That's what visual communication is all about : thinking long and hard to make your point clearly and quickly.
I haven't used that huge lens in years. That's when the skills comes to the rescue!
Your equipment DOES NOT affect the quality of your image. The less time and effort you spend worrying about your equipment the more time and effort you can spend creating great images. The right equipment just makes it easier, faster or more convenient for you to get the results you need.
Using any camera you have, even from your cellphone - you be able to create the masterpiece of your own with a little bit help of your imagination. It's called photo manipulation.
(photo manipulation is an art where ordinary photos are transformed into something alluring, unexpected and totally out of the box).
source kenrockwell
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